Saturday May 18, 2024

King Solomon Builds the Temple

King David was a soldier and his son, Solomon, was a builder. King David conquered and cleared the ground. Solomon filled the conquered and cleared land with beautiful buildings. Not only did Solomon build the Temple to the LORD GOD he built grand palaces, stables for his many horses and chariots he also built storehouses for all his wealth. The greatest remembrance was in building the Temple. You may be asking what Solomon’s Temple has to do with you. Our bodies are our Temples and our design is after the design of the LORD God. We are only made from the finest and best. We were bought with a great price by our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Kings 6:1-38.

King David loved the LORD and had always wanted to build a temple to the LORD God in Jerusalem. Because King David was a man of war and had shed blood the LORD God forbid King David to build the Temple to Him. (1 Chronicles 28:3).

When Solomon became King he took up the task to build the House of God that his father started. It was called the First Temple and was built on a hill of Jerusalem called Mount Moriah. It took King Solomon seven years to complete. The Temple was larger than the tabernacle that the children of Israel had used in the wilderness.

The Temple stared with King David had gathered great stores of silver, stones and cedar. King Solomon traveled to distant lands and brought back precious stones like gold and silver, and other fine wood to build this magnificent Temple to the LORD.

King Solomon built the temple to the LORD God’s exact specifications. King Solomon’s temple had the approximate inside dimensions: length 135 feet, width 35 feet, height 50 feet. The best craftsmen were gathered to construct the buildings and draperies and all the furnishings.

The LORD God promise to bless Solomon for his obedience. The LORD God promised concerning the Temple that Solomon was building, if he would walk in the ways of the LORD, and would obey the LORD, and execute His judgments, and keep all His commandments to walk in them; the LORD would dwell among the children of Israel, and would not forsake His people Israel. (1 Kings 6:11-13).

So Solomon built the house, and finished it. And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the ceiling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.

And the cedar of the house within was carved with knops (knob-shaped or ball-shaped or gourd-shaped carved wood or metal ornament) and open flowers: all was cedar; there was no stone seen. And the oracle he prepared in the house within, to set there the ark of the covenant of the LORD. The oracle is the holy of holies; the innermost room of the temple So Solomon overlaid the house within with pure gold: and he made a partition by the chains of gold before the oracle; and he overlaid it with gold.

Only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies. The throne of God was known as the Ark of the Covenant because it represented the promises between the LORD and His people. There were two cherubim with outstretched wings made of olive wood, and were 17 feet high and inlaid with gold.

Solomon’s Temple was finished in the eleventh year of the reign of King Solomon. He finished the building in only seven years according to the design of the LORD God.

What Can This Story Teach Us?

You may be asking what Solomon’s Temple has to do with you. Our bodies are our Temples and our design is after the design of the LORD God. We are only made from the finest and best. We were bought with a great price by our Lord Jesus Christ.

That means we belong to the family of the LORD God and we are to glorify the LORD God in our body, and in our spirit which also belongs to the LORD God. Did you know you that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you? This would be your Holy of Holies.

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Cite Article Source

MLA Style Citation:

Holstein, Joanne “King Solomon Builds the Temple:.” Becker Bible Studies Library Feb 2015.<,>.

APA Style Citation:
Holstein, Joanne (2015, February) “King Solomon Builds the Temple:.” Becker Bible Studies Library. Retrieved from,.

Chicago Style Citation:
Holstein, Joanne (2015) “King Solomon Builds the Temple:.” Becker Bible Studies Library (February),, (accessed).


Joanne Holstein is a Becker Bible Studies Teacher and Author of Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. She is a graduate of Psychology/Christian and Bible Counseling with Liberty University. She is well-known as a counselor to Christian faithful who are struggling with tremendous burden in these difficult times. She is a leading authority on historical development of Christian churches and the practices and beliefs of world religions and cults.
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